Gregory B. LEE 利大英 (Overseas Fellow)


Fields of Study:

Chinese literary and cultural studies, diasporic studies, and the question of Chineseness


Gregory Lee is Founding Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of St Andrews.

He was formerly Professor of Chinese and Transcultural Studies at the University of Lyon (1998-2020), and Chair Professor of Chinese and Transcultural Studies at City University (2010-2012) where he founded the Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies.

Lee’s research focuses on Chinese literary and cultural studies, diasporic studies, and the question of Chineseness.

His recent articles have focussed on humanitarian intervention, academic freedom and censorship in China and Hong Kong. Over the past decade and a half, he has developed the field of Transcultural Studies. Professor Lee has taught at the Universities of Cambridge, London, Chicago, Hong Kong, and Lyons. Professor Lee was made a Chevalier (Knight) in France’s Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Order of Academic Palms) for his services to higher education and research in 2010.

His scholarly publications include China Imagined: From European Fantasy to Spectacular Power, London: Hurst & Co, 2018; Dai Wangshu: The Life and Poetry of a Chinese Modernist, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1989; Troubadours, Trumpeters, Troubled Makers: Lyricism, Nationalism and Hybridity in China and Its Others Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1996; Chinas Unlimited: Making the Imaginaries of China and Chineseness, London, Routledge; Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 2003; China's Lost Decade (1978-1990): The Politics and Poetics of the 1980s, Zephyr Press, Brookline, MA, 2011.

He is Editor of the Trilingual research journal Transtext(e)sTranscultures. He is currently writing a three-volume critical cultural history of China (1976-2020).


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