TSAI Yi-Jung 蔡宜蓉 (Early Career Fellow)

Tsai Yi-Jung

Known as Ven. SHI Jianxun, TSAI Yi-Jung is a Bhiksuni of Mahayāna Buddhism ordained in 1996. Stepping onto the Buddhist path, her mission in life is studying Buddhism, practicing meditation, and sharing her knowledge and experience of Buddhism. Tsai took five years of monastic training at Luminary Buddhist Institute, Taiwan. Then due to the interest in the original teaching of Buddhism, she traveled to the U.S.A. to study the Pāli language and the Nikāyas under Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi’s instruction twice from 2005-2009.

She earned her Ph.D. on early Buddhism, at the centre of Buddhist Studies, the University of Hong Kong in 2016. She has given talks and lectures for student-nuns of the Buddhist Institute, laypeople in Buddhist communities, and students at universities in Taiwan, U.S.A., and Hong Kong. Being both traditionally and academically trained, she plays the role of making the profundity of Buddhist teachings understandable and relevant to Buddhist practice in the modern world.

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